Add the Lynx schedule to your calendar.
Use the links below to sync our schedule to your calendar program. If your device doesn’t automatically recognize the link, follow the instructions below to manually add the link to popular platforms.
Google, Outlook, Office Calendar Instructions
For Google Calendar
  1. 1. Click the plus next to “Other calendars”
  2. 2. Select “From URL”
  3. 3. Paste in the copied URL link and click “Add calendar” button
For Outlook Calendar
  1. 1. On the menu, click “Open calendar” and then select “From Internet…”
  2. 2. Paste in the copied URL link and click “OK” button.
For Outlook/Office365 Calendar
  1. 1. Select “Import calendar” from the calendar sidebar
  2. 2. Click “From web”
  3. 3. Paste in the copied URL link, name the calendar and click “Import” button.