On behalf of the Fastbreak Foundation, we invite you to apply for the Pack Gives Back Ticket Program for the 2024 Lynx season. Our program distributes free tickets to nearly 200 organizations throughout Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, and the Dakotas to provide the community an opportunity to experience a WNBA game.
Tickets through this program are not meant to be utilized as prizes for auctions or fundraisers. If you would like to request an in-kind donation item, please fill out the form here.
Who is eligible for the Pack Gives Back Ticket Program?
All registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organizations in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa and the Dakotas.
How do I sign up my nonprofit for the Pack Gives Back Ticket Program?
Click Get Your Tickets above and fill out the form.
How will I know if my organization receives tickets?
Your organization will be contacted via email when tickets become available. When applying, please make sure all your contact information is correct.We do our best to ensure that all participating organizations receive tickets at least once throughout the season.
However, there is no guarantee that your organization will receive tickets. Please remember, your organization is one of over 200 official program participants.
Periodically, last minute tickets are donated to us the day before or on a game day. Please indicate on the application if you can use tickets last minute.
How will my organization receive tickets?
All tickets for Minnesota Lynx home games will be delivered digitally to your account in the Minnesota Lynx mobile app.
Can I request tickets for a specific game?
We do not guarantee tickets for specific games, but we do our best to provide tickets for the requested days of the week submitted on the application. If there is a specific game you would like to attend, please include that in the notes section of the application form.
How many tickets can I request at a time?
When requesting tickets, please request the number of tickets you will be able to use. We require a 75% utilization of distributed tickets. Utilization percentages are tracked on an organization basis. Those that do not meet this requirement will receive a warning and could be eligible to be removed from the program.
Do I have to apply for the Pack Gives Back Ticket Program each year?
Even if you have previously completed a Pack Gives Back Ticket Program registration form, we ask that you complete a new form at the beginning of every season. This helps us keep all contact information and requests for your organization up to date.
Program Participation Rules
We appreciate the outstanding response and cooperation we have received from each organization that has participated in the Pack Gives Back Ticket Program. To continue our program’s success, we have established the following program participation rules that we ask that each organization agrees to:
  • Please do not contact our organization to check on ticket availability. We will contact you with any ticket opportunities.
  • Once you receive an email from us stating tickets are available, all requests for tickets must be made via email. Phoned in request will not be accepted.
  • Due to our childcare policy regarding unchaperoned children, the attendee/chaperone ratio must be no greater that 5:1.
  • Each organization must sit in the seats designated on their tickets.
  • A Timberwolves & Lynx representative will monitor organizations who have received tickets. Please ensure all ticket recipients behave properly per our fan guidelines.
  • Re-selling donated tickets will result in removal from the program.
Organizations that do not follow the above guidelines will be removed from the program.

If you have any questions regarding the form, please contact the FastBreak
Foundation at