Holiday Plans | Anna Cruz Edition

What are your plans for holidays? 

Go home for eight days and be with my family and friends.

Real tree or artificial

Real tree.

Wrapping paper or gift bags?

Wrapping paper.

If you had to participate in holiday karaoke, what would be your go-to song?

All I want for Christmas is you ( Mariah Carey).

Favorite things to eat at holiday celebrations?

Spanish food ( Tortilla de patata- Spanish omelet , “paella”, Spanish Christmas soup.

Top 3 favorite holiday movies?

Love Actually

Edward Scissorhands

Home Alone

Favorite holiday tradition? 

Celebrate our own “new year” on the 29th with my friends.

Favorite gift received as a kid?

And1 basketball shoes

Hardest person to buy a gift for?

My father

Easiest person to buy a gift for?

My mother